What is 14B?

If we look out in any direction, the edge of the observable universe is approximately 14 billion parsecs -- hence the name 14B Capital. A parsec is an astronomical unit of distance equal to about 3.26 light years (or approximately 19.2 trillion miles) and corresponds to the distance at which the radius of the earth's orbit around the sun subtends an angle of one arc second. In order to measure a parsec one must first measure a parallax, i.e., the change in apparent position of an object along two different lines of sight. You can observe this concept in your daily life by focusing on an object and then intermittently closing one eye and then the other. The apparent shift in the position of the observed object is called the parallax effect.

Philosophically, we believe that valuing an investment involves a similar concept. In order to accurately value an asset, one must observe that asset from various points of view.

14B Capital Management LP ("14B") was established in January 2022 by Ilya Zaides.

Prior to that, the Parsec Funds were managed by Ilya under an affiliate management company.

Ilya served as the Chief Investment Officer overseeing the strategy since its inception in 2009.

Through our strategic approach we provide clients with unique capital solutions that allow them to succeed

About 14B
About 14B

Measuring success since January 2009

Assets Under Management
Track record
15+ years
We have a unique proposition and approach that we apply to each and every transaction

14B manages a high conviction, best ideas equities portfolio that looks to generate alpha over the long-term by focusing high quality businesses and/or assets, trading at material discounts to their intrinsic values.

We seek out companies that have the potential to generate higher rates of return than their peers and the market, without the material use of leverage.

We concentrate on companies that we believe can compound returns at 20% per annum or greater, with a three-to five-year time horizon to achieve those returns.

The 14B Capital Culture

14B manages a high conviction, best ideas equities portfolio that looks to generate alpha over the long-term by focusing high quality businesses and/or assets, trading at material discounts to their intrinsic values.

Firm Culture
Firm Culture

Let’s start a conversation about how we can work together.

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Working at 14B

We are always looking for exceptional talent to join our community. From undergraduates to experienced professionals, we look for individuals who are intellectually curious, passionate and share our mission and principles.

Experienced Professionals
Students & Interns
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